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DATES:  19th & 20th July, 2024 (BOOKED OUT)

WHERE: Hybrid: Online & In-Person (Brisbane North) Address provided on payment and confirmation

COST: $400 Limited spots available






Learn Reiki and your journey to self-healing begins from the inside out. In addition to rewiring your nervous system, it will assist with subconscious reprogramming. If you're an avid self-developer, a lover of learning, and have a strong desire to be radically self-responsible for your mind, body and spirit health. As you heal, so do the people around you, in many different ways. My mission is to move the needle from the 'crisis or critical care' health model, toward empowering others to create their own self care tool - Or as I like to call it, create a Buddha Bowl for your Soul kits as a PREVENTATIVE and maintenance strategy to your overall health and wellbeing. 

I am so excited to offer Level 1 Reiki as a hybrid training.


PART ONE:  Theory conducted online, with an online Q&A session the day before.

PART TWO: In-person whole day attunement, practice, connection and integration.


Part one can be completed from the comfort of your own home. Part two must be conducted in person, you will be welcomed into a community of like-minded souls seeking something deeper like yourself.


  • Do you have a deeper desire to connect with yourself and others on a deeper level, mentally, emotionally & spiritually?

  • Do you love having holistic health sessions for yourself, but would love to be able to enhance your own soul care practices?

  • Are you a bit over the boring surface level same, same conversation?

  • Do you want to become a part of the New Earth movement where Energy, frequency, Rhytm and creativity play a crucial role in healing the self and others?

  • A daily self Reiki session will do wonders, enhance your mood, sleep, and connection with self and others. If you are a seasoned meditator, somatic body worker, health professional or holistic health professional looking to enhance your practices. 


Welcome aboard!


Join Me, Kristy - I will be your Reiki Master Teacher and Guide.

I can't wait to watch your inner light turn on,

so you can flourish and shine from the inside out.

As you turn on your inner light,

you can become a beacon of hope for others

I can't wait to share with you the wonders that Reiki can do for your life,

It has done wonders for mine









Reiki Level 1 

Is a catalyst for self healing.

The energy attunement you receive clears and opens your central energetic channel so that you can channel Reiki healing energy through your palms for the rest of your life.


This attunement facilitates a profound healing, as layers of old programming and beliefs are released so that you can be a clear channel. Many people report huge positive shifts in their life after Reiki I (after each level the shifts become even bigger!), as they release old patterns and start aligning more fully with their soul path. If you are looking to align more with your


Your vibration and frequency will be permanently shifted and raised, so anything low vibrational in your life will start to fall away naturally. You will find yourself, often without trying releasing energies that no longer serve you.


Begin to magnetise more ease and joy into your life. Reiki also helps connect you with your Higher Self and intuition, so you can move through life with more clarity and inner guidance. With each level, a deeper level of self mastery occurs, as does extra layers of cleansing and clearing so your soul essence can come forth. It is not 'woo woo' to embody your own spirit, it is our innate nature. Our current world does not account or make it easy to connect with our own spirit due to many variables. You can take control and get into the drivers seat of your life, if you do desire.


To learn more about Reiki and the research conducted on it (if you were a skeptic like I was!)




Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative path of healing, growth, and community. Reserve your spot today.


What you will learn:

  • The History & Principles of Reiki

  • How Reiki works

  • How to cleanse and harmonise the Aura & Chakra System

  • Reiki 1 Hand Positions

  • How to heal yourself with Reiki

  • How to hold healing space for others with Reiki (people, plants, and pets!)


You will receive:

  • Training with Master Teacher: Kristy Anne

  • Reiki 1 Attunement

  • Reiki 1 Hard Copy Manual

  • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, 1st Degree Certificate and Lineage 

  • Discount for Reiki II (practitioner level) if you continue your journey with me

  • A guided meditation to support your journey

  • A free gift received on the day

  • Certificate of completion

  • Access to a community chat group to stay in touch with your peers

  • Quarterly Reiki shares and connection​


All the details:

  • The theory section will be recorded and sent to your email. Please watch this in your own time before attending. This training will be sent to you once you have paid for your spot and confirmed the date. Take notes and bring your questions with you on the day, or email me prior if required.

  • I will set up a 1 hour live call the day before on the afternoon prior to your in person attunement to answer any questions you may have.

  • Completion of the online elements is a pre-requisite to attending the in-person workshop

  • You will be paired up to practise healing on other students. By signing up you give permission for others to practise healing on you, supervised by me.

  • Water, tea, and light snacks will be available

  • There will be a 1 hour lunch break around midday. You are welcome to bring your lunch with you (there is a fridge available to use). There is a park nearby for you to get some fresh air, and plenty of cafes in close proximity if you prefer to purchase lunch

  • Payment via cash can be arranged if card is an issue. Please contact me via email to discuss

  • Please note that this is NOT practitioner level training. If you would like to practise Reiki on paying clients, you will need to progress to Reiki Level II (dates for these courses to be announced soon)

  • If you are unable to make this course but would like to attend at a future date, please email Kristy to be added to the my future courses (Level one, Level two and Master Level) list


I look forward to walking beside you on your healing journey.

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